2022-2023 Course Catalog
Transfer of Credit
Undergraduate (Pre-matriculation)
Chatham University students may be awarded a maximum of 90 credits through transfer credit (pre- and post-matriculation combined) and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).
Prior to starting courses at Chatham University, students must provide official transcripts for review from previously attended, regionally accredited institutions. Students will receive an official transfer credit evaluation indicating which credits will transfer into the intended degree program. A student will have 14 business days after the sending of the evaluation to appeal the transfer of credit decision. The appeal must be submitted by email to the transfer coordinator (advising@chatham.edu) and indicate details of the appeal.
General education: Students transferring to Chatham University who have completed a general education program at another regionally accredited institution of higher learning will be considered to have met their general education requirements at Chatham, as long as 40 credits can be assigned to the general education pool, and unless their Chatham major has unique, specific general education requirements. Students who transfer to the University without a complete general education curriculum may receive specified credit towards Chatham general education requirements as determined during the admission process transcript review.
Students transferring to Chatham who have received credit at a prior institution for Advanced Placement (AP) or other standardized tests must submit the original test scores for consideration. Equivalencies at Chatham may not be the same as those awarded by the previous institution, and therefore identical transfer credit may not be awarded.
While the intention of the University is to make the transfer process as easy and as transparent as possible, in some instances it may be necessary for a student to demonstrate that a transfer course satisfies Chatham's general education learning outcomes. The provision of the course syllabus may be an example of a means to demonstrate equivalency of courses.
Policy Stipulations:
- All potential transfer credit in progress or completed prior to acceptance to Chatham must be submitted to the University before the student begins courses. Final transcripts for courses in progress must be received before the end of the first semester of enrollment for consideration. This requirement includes all Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. All official transcripts will be evaluated on an individual basis.
- If student wishes to repeat a course at Chatham for which they have earned AP or other credit, they will be asked to complete the Awarded Credit Removal Request Form.
- College-level courses completed at previous/current institution(s) will be accepted if they are of similar rigor, level, and content to the course offerings available at Chatham.
- Courses taken as pass/fail will only be considered for credit if it can be verified that a pass grade corresponds with a grade of C or better.
- Repeated courses or courses with duplicate subject content will not receive credit.
- No more than 50 percent of the credits required in the selected major or minor may be earned through transfer credit.
Transfer and Readmitted Undergraduate Student Time Limit Policies
There is no expiration date for credits received at Chatham or any other institution. However, over time, material may become outdated or irrelevant, particularly in areas of health, sciences, and technology. In the best interest of student success, transfer courses with a completion date that is more than 8 years old at the time of application or readmission are subject to review by the major department and advising office. Such courses may not be accepted for transfer; for readmission, some courses may have to be re-taken.
If students are re-admitted to Chatham after more than 8 years, they are required to use the General Education and major/minor/certificate requirements listed in the Catalog that is in effect in the semester in which they resume study.
Undergraduate (Post-matriculation)
Undergraduate students at Chatham are typically limited to transferring in a maximum of 16 credits taken at other institutions post-matriculation. This includes summer study (normally a maximum of 8 credits per summer is recommended) but excludes cross-registered courses (taken through OCICU or PCHE). Travel abroad through exchange programs is also excluded from this limit. Chatham University is not required to accept credit from any coursework taken externally post-matriculation without proper approvals on files. Students who leave Chatham without withdrawing and then attend another institution full-time and return, will be withdrawn from Chatham and must be readmitted. Any credits taken while away must then be submitted for review as a part of the readmission process.
If an exception regarding course load or overall post-matriculation credit limits needs to be considered in light of graduation requirements, an Exception to Institutional Policy form will need to be submitted. Any external coursework that is submitted in conjunction with an exception form will be reviewed by the Assistant Vice President of Undergraduate Learning in the Office of Academic Affairs (contact: advising@chatham.edu).
Transfer from Systems on a Quarter Calendar: If a student transfers to Chatham University from an institution that utilizes a quarter hour calendar system, their credits will need to be converted to a semester hour calendar system upon evaluation. Translation of course credits taken on a quarter hour calendar system elsewhere to Chatham University is as follows: 1.5 Quarter Hours = 1.0 Chatham Credit Hours. For example, a 4-credit course at an institution on a quarter system would transfer as 2.67 credits at Chatham. Many general education and major requirements at Chatham require a 3-credit minimum. To facilitate the process, any course that transfers in with credits of 2.0 or above (in an appropriate subject) will meet the requirement to fulfill needed course equivalencies in that area. Students will be required to earn additional credits to meet the total requirements in a particular major, minor, general education, or elective area (but not necessarily in the specific topic/subject).
Chatham University students may earn no more than 20% of their graduate degree requirements through transfer of credit and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) in specific graduate degree programs (click to list of applicable and excluded programs (pdf)). Transfer credit may only be awarded for learning acquired prior to beginning classes (matriculation).
Prior to starting courses, students must provide official transcripts from previously attended institutions. Chatham University will review all submitted, official college transcripts for graduate transfer credit upon admission. Students will receive an official transfer credit evaluation indicating which credits will transfer into the intended degree program. A student will have 14 business days after the sending of the evaluation to appeal the transfer of credit decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the admissions department and indicate details of the appeal.
Chatham University will not typically accept credits in transfer that were completed more than 5 years prior to admission to a graduate program at Chatham University.