2022-2023 Course Catalog
The objectives of Chatham University's academic advising program are to help advisees identify and achieve their academic goals, to promote their intellectual discovery, and to encourage students to take advantage of both in-and out-of class opportunities in order to become engaged, environmentally responsible, globally conscious, life-long learners and decision makers. To this end, the advising program strives to meet the following goals:
- To assist each student in the consideration and clarification of educational, career, and life goals
- To assist each student in developing an educational plan and selection of courses consistent with the student's goals and objectives
- To provide accurate information about institutional policies, procedures, resources, and programs in-and out-of the classroom.
- To assist each student in evaluation of progress toward established goals and educational plans
- To assist each student in the development of decision-making skills
- To empower and encourage students to be self-directed and life-long learners
Initial advising assignments are based on the student's expressed interest area. Advisors work intensely with their advisees throughout the first year, helping them to clarify and identify their interests, values, and goals. Advisors also provide information about University requirements and help students adjust to college-level academic expectations.
Students may declare a major and change to a major advisor at any point after matriculation. They must declare a major before the registration period at the end of their sophomore year. While students may change majors, repeated changes may delay graduation.
All pre-professional students, regardless of academic field, receive guidance and assistance throughout their academic careers. The University advises students on courses of study, provides information on professional school admissions tests and requirements, and assists with the application process. Resources about the application process are available through the Career Development office. In addition, a student who intends to enter graduate school in the medical or health sciences should work closely with the pre-health advisor as well as with her academic advisor. A student who indicates an intention to apply for law school admission should work closely with the faculty pre-law advisor as well as with her academic advisor.