Chatham University

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Women Business Leaders Breakfast Series

November 8, 2013
07:30 AM - 09:00 AM

Crossing multiple continents from South Africa to the USA, Dr. Ria David built a Pittsburgh DNA technology company, Cybergenetics, with her co-founder, Dr. Mark Perlin. The company's TrueAllele® technology is used to interpret complex DNA evidence from crime scenes. In keeping with CSI, the TrueAllele computer results are typically a million times more informative than human review and can better connect crimes, such as sexual assault, to assailants. Using TrueAllele, Cybergenetics works with crime labs, prosecutors and police to effectively help solve and prevent sexual assault, as well as other crimes. Dr. David will discuss her forensic DNA experiences, entrepreneurship, and how her company helps create a safer society.

Registration and Directions

Fee : Free
Location :

Event Contact Information

Patricia Decker