Chatham University

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Training Series: Leadership During A Pandemic: Elevating Entrepreneurship through Execution

April 15, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online, Zoom

This training series will consist of three webinars to help leaders move through the process of trusting themselves, acknowledging what is happening, and moving into an action-oriented state of mind during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
These webinars can be attended individually or as a series.

Presenter: Dr. Karen Hall, Executive Director, High Performance Level, LLC: Leadership Learning Lab | Author of “Ten Tremendous Leadership Lessons: A Guide to Leadership Learning.”

Webinar #1 - Parting Ways with Procrastination - April 1--- To access the Webinar 1 Recording,CLICK HERE!
Leaders will focus on overcoming procrastination with a commitment plan. This webinar will assist participants in transitioning from statements like "I will do it later" or "let me check tomorrow" and moving towards "nothing better than the present" or "Documents emailed in advance." Goal: Parting Ways with Procrastination will teach how to transform an entrepreneur's language usage to result in more timely responses to opportunities or deadlines. Parting Ways with Procrastination supports and challenges leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic through the current restrictions that may have further delayed tasks. Participants will learn innovative solutions to break procrastination habits and overcome pandemic barriers.

Webinar #2 - Conquer Fear of Failure - April 8
Leaders will focus on turning the Fear of Failure into a system of execution. This webinar will work to release the mental paralysis caused by fear through Conquering the Fear of Failure. Goal: Use practical strategies to conquer the fear of failure, elevate your performance as an entrepreneur, and catapult your progress. Conquering Fear of Failure supports and challenges leaders during COVID-19 to enable them to identify the fear, acknowledge the fear, and understand how fear can move them into a positive state of accomplishment.

Webinar #3 - Empower the Leader Within Through Change - April 15
Leaders will focus on embracing change by understanding that the secret of change is the energy it provides. This webinar will concentrate on the leader tapping deep within themselves to accept change without resistance. Change is constant; what happened in the last minutes meets with what is happening now. Goal: Empower the Leader Within Through Change to realize that staying present to change significantly enhances the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. Empower the Leader Within Change supports and challenges leaders to accept change and remove the negative connotations of the COVID-19 pandemic events by looking at the possibilities moving forward.

To register for the Training Series, CLICK HERE!

Registration and Directions

Fee : Free
Location : Online, Zoom

Event Contact Information

Mitra Saeidi