Chatham University

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CWE Business Skills Development Workshops: The Me; The Market; The Money

February 23, 2013
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Place: Chatham University

Click Here to Register!

Business entrepreneurship is sometimes an elusive term, often accompanied by thoughts where snap judgments, quick decisions and high levels of risks are the norm. To the contrary, entrepreneurship is founded on the basis of knowledge and understanding of the various segments of a business activity. This program begins by examining the entrepreneur, identifying key attributes and desires of the individual and then focusing on whether the business can meet those requirements. Next, the product or service being offered is evaluated in terms of market conditions and the extent of potential demand for that product or service. Finally, fundamental financial aspects of entrepreneurship are presented so that the individual has an understanding of the financial tools necessary for evaluating business opportunities.

Registration and Directions

Fee : Free

Event Contact Information

Patricia Decker