Quick Facts

Explore this page to view some quick facts about our student body and the institution for the 2023-2024 year, unless otherwise noted.
Photo of two female Chatham University students wearing backpacks walking into a red-brick building on Shadyside Campus

Total University Enrollment

  • Undergraduate: 1,507
  • Graduate: 812
  • Total University: 2,319

Photo of two women in Chatham University shirts smiling together

Enrollment by Ethnicity

  • BIPOC: 18.1%
  • International: 3.2%
  • American Indian: 3
  • Asian: 98
  • African American: 190
  • Hispanic/Latino: 128
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 0
  • International: 73
  • Multiracial: 0
  • White: 1,506
  • Unknown: 321

Photo of a female Chatham University student sitting on a bed in her dorm room reading

Enrollment by Location

  • In-state, Undergraduate: 1,106
  • In-state, Graduate: 454
  • Out-of-state, Undergraduate: 401
  • Out-of-state, Graduate: 358

Photo of a student working on her laptop, sitting on a couch

First-time, First-year Admission & Retention

  • Applied: 4,189 (Female: 2,653 | Male: 1,535 | Other: 1)
  • Admitted: 3,027
  • Enrolled: 332
  • Fall-Spring Retention: 89.9%
  • Fall-Fall Retention: 78.4%

Photo of two Chatham University students crossing a street on Shadyside Campus

Undergraduate Student Profile

  • Average SAT Score: 1177
  • Average ACT Score: 24
  • Average High School GPA: 3.72

Photo of a smiling Chatham University student presenting her work to students and a professor

Undergraduate Financial Aid

  • Number of Undergraduates Receiving Aid: 1,252
  • Percent Receiving Aid: 100%
  • Total Amount of Aid Received: $35,986,871
  • Average Amount of Aid Received: $28,743 (scholarships and institutional, federal, and state grants only; loans or federal work study not included)

Photo of students paying attention to a lecture at Chatham Eastside

Undergraduate Class Size

  • Fewer Than 20 Students: 188
  • 20-49 Students: 113
  • 50 or More Students: 0

Two graduating students in robes hold up their degree and smile for a photo

Degrees Conferred (2022-2023)

  • Bachelor's: 266
  • Master's: 230
  • Doctorate: 168

Photo of a graduating Chatham University student wearing a rainbow stole, with an arm over the shoulder of a parent or guardian

Undergraduate Graduation Rates

  • Four-year Graduation Rate (start Fall 2019): 55%
  • Five-year Graduation Rate (start Fall 2018): 63%
  • Six-year Graduation Rate (start Fall 2017): 67%

Photo of Chatham University community members talking to one another outside

Faculty & Staff

  • Full-time Faculty: 139
  • Part-time Faculty: 214
  • Total Faculty: 353
  • Percent of Full-Time Faculty with PhD or Top Terminal Degree: 91%
  • Full-time Staff: 264
  • Part-time Staff: 32
  • Total Staff: 296
Data from January 2023.