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Mathematics Overview

At Chatham, mathematics students explore the principal branches of mathematics, including calculus, algebra, probability, and statistics, along with analysis, with emphasis on applications of mathematics to the sciences and social sciences. Students work closely with a dedicated faculty with opportunities to apply what they learn in research programs and beyond.
Degrees Offered
  • BA
  • BS
Program School

Explore the Mathematics Degree:

  • You can expect to learn mathematics from motivated instructors who combine lectures with computer learning and student presentations. With a major in mathematics, you will receive a great deal of personal attention, due to the student professor ratio. 
  • You can also leverage Pittsburgh’s tight-knit academic community through connections our faculty have around the region.
  • Students in the mathematics program will have the opportunity to participate in the COMAP competition to solve real-world problems, attend conferences of Pi Mu Epsilon, the mathematics honor society, as well as presenting papers as part of the Mathematical Association of America.

The History and Theory of Numbers

A survey of the history of our number system and theory of numbers. Topics covered include the development of number systems and mathematics from before the sixth century to the present, divisibility, factorization, arithmetic functions, quadratic reciprocity, primitive roots, and diophantine equations.


An introduction to the theory of probability and the role of proofs in mathematics. Topics include discrete and continuous probability functions, random variables, expectations, moments, moment generating functions, the central limit theorem, and Chebyshev’s inequality. Applications of probability such as queuing theory, Markov processes, and reliability theory also will be covered.

Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modeling

Numerical methods and mathematical models used in computational science, including techniques for solving scientific problems, scientific visualization, and vector, parallel, distributed and massively parallel architecture.

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Our Faculty

If one word could best sum up Chatham's faculty, it would be engaged. Professors bring experiences to relate the course lessons to real-world situations.

Full Faculty
Photo of Michelle Doyle
Program Coordinator for the Physical Sciences, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Photo of Chatham University students working on laptops on couches and at tables in an academic building.

The Science Complex 

The Science Complex is Chatham’s 10,000 square-foot laboratory building, which features a three-story glass atrium and a modern greenhouse in addition to individual, specialized research spaces; laboratories and classrooms; a range of modern analytical equipment including cell and tissue culture facilities, fluorescence microscope, spectrometers (nuclear magnetic resonance, UV-VIS, IR), and one of the few drift tube mass spectrometers in the country.

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