Courses & Curriculum

Chatham's entry-level Doctor of Occupational Therapy (ELOTD) is a seven-term, 99-credit-hour degree program. See the table below for the curriculum progression and courses in the program. 

These are examples of degree progressions and schedules for a full-time student. These are for representative purposes only. Students' degree progression is determined by their concentrations, start dates, and other choices in conjunction with an academic advisor. Click here to download a more detailed PDF version of the ELOTD curriculum sequence.

Example Full-Time Schedule, Year One

OTH 638—Functional Neuroscience + Lab (3 credits, full term)  OTH 726—Pediatric Occupational Development & School-based Practice + Lab (4 credits, half-term) OTH 723—Occupational Performance in the Aging Population + Lab (5 credits, full term)
OTH 606—Functional Anatomy & Kinesiology + Lab (3 credits, full term) OTH 635—Pediatric FW I-A & Seminar (1 credit, half-term) OTH 724—Biomechanics of Human Occupation + Lab (4 credits, full term)
OTH 601—Foundations of Occupation & Wellness (3 credits, half-term)  OTH 629—Quantitative Research in OT (2 credits, half-term) OTH 636—Adult FW I-B & Seminar (1 credit, half-term)
OTH 620—Teaching & Learning in OT (2 credits, half-term)  OTH 632—Environmental Interventions (1 credit, half-term) OTH 640—Degenerative Neurological Conditions + Lab (3 credits, half-term) 
OTH 612—Evidence-Based Practice (2 credits, half-term) OTH 741—Acquired Neurological Conditions + Lab (5 credits, half-term) OTH 647—Assistive Technology (1 credit, half-term)
OTH 626—OT Models & Occupational Science (3 credits, half-term)   OTH 648—Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research in OT (2 credits, half-term) 
16 credits 13 credits 16 credits


Example Full-Time Schedule, Year Two

OTH 707—Introduction to Doctoral Capstone (3 credits, full term)  OTH 762—Fieldwork II-A (10 credits, full term) OTH 765—Fieldwork II-B (10 credits, full term)
OTH 645—Professional Leadership & Management (3 credits, full term)   OTH 738—Doctoral Capstone Development I (3 credits, full term)  OTH 748—Doctoral Capstone Development II (1 credit, full term)  
OTH 639—Outcomes & Knowledge Translation (3 credits, full term)      OTH 747—Leadership & Professional Identity (1 credit, full term)  
OTH 644—Community FW I-C & Seminar (1 credit, half-term)       
OTH 705—Psychosocial Topics in OT + Lab (2 credits, half-term)    
OTH 715—Advanced Practice Skills (1 credit, half-term elective)    
OTH 722—Pediatric Occupations Across Practice Settings + Lab (2 credits, half-term)    
15 credits 13 credits 12 credits


Example Full-Time Schedule, Year Three

OTH 790—Doctoral Capstone Experience (12 credits, full term)  
OTH 795—Doctoral Capstone Dissemination (2 credits, full term) This is an online course, with a 3-day visit at the end of the term.
14 credits