Tim Braun, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Clinical Education
- MS, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (East Stroudsburg, PA), 2008
- BS, Endicott College (Beverly, MA), 2007
- Ph.D., Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (Provo, UT), 2015
- Braun T. General Medical Conditions. In: Page, E., Kahanov, L. Athletic Training and Therapy Textbook. Human Kinetics; 2022: 325-366.
- Anderson B, Braun T, Moffit DM, Judge K. (2021). Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes in University Students Studying Physical Education and Health Sciences. (Suppl, vol. 56(6s), p. S-316).
- Braun T, Kahanov L. (2018). Community Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) Infection Rates and Management among Student-Athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 50(9), 1802-1809.
- Braun T, Kahanov L, Lauber CL, Dannelly HK (2016). CA-MRSA Infection Incidence and Care in High School and Intercollegiate Athletics. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 48(8), 1530-1538.
- Braun T, Goreczny T, Brown N, Schirato N, Schreiber J. (2022, October). Interprofessional Education Evaluation of Confidence (IPEEC) Scale for IPE Curricula. Oral Presentation at 2022 Physician Assistant Education Association Forum and Fall Workshops, San Diego, CA.
- Anderson B, Braun T, Moffit, DM, Judge, K. (2021, June). Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes in University Students Studying Physical Education and Health Sciences. Poster Presentation at National Athletic Trainers’ Association 72nd Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, Virtual.
- Braun T, Kahanov L. (2018, June) Community Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (CA-MRSA) Infection Incidence and Management of Suspicious Bacterial Lesions in High School and Intercollegiate Athletic Programs. Poster Presentation at National Athletic Trainers’ Association 69th Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, New Orleans, LA.