Vaccine Documentation

Chatham requires a COVID-19 vaccination for all students participating in face-to-face classes or campus activities, and for all faculty and staff for the 2021-2022 academic year and will also require this for the 2022-2023 academic year.  

Requirement Directions 

  • For returning students and employees with original vaccination plus booster on file from last term, you will not have to do anything as your records will carry over. 
  • For returning students and employees with only an original vaccination on file, you will just need to upload your booster record by the deadline below via the link you will receive in an email from Health Services (if you do not see these emails, be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder). 
  • For new students and employees, upload your vaccination records or waiver request by the deadlines below via the link you will receive in an email from the Health Services (if you do not see these emails, be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder). 
  • For those new or returning students and employees who wish to request a waiver, you must complete and submit an authorized waiver form for review and approval at the links in the section below. 

PLEASE NOTE:  COVID-19 vaccination records or waiver requests will no longer be submitted using Med+Proctor, as had been done in the past. All documentation already submitted via Med+Proctor will be transferred to the new system. The system will automatically send reminders and links to complete your records. 

If you did not receive an email from Health Services, you can upload your COVID-19 vaccination records or waiver request by accessing the Vaccine Requirement Records Form here.  

If you have questions, problems or need assistance with your submission, please contact Student Health Services at or 412-365-1714. 

Requirement Deadlines

  • All waiver requests must be received and approved by August 1, 2022.
  • Records for the original vaccination dose(s) must already be on file or uploaded by August 1, 2022.
  • Records for the booster vaccination must be uploaded no later than November 1, 2022. 
     To help support our positive campus trends and to align with the latest health guidance on booster timing for the traditional height of cold and flu season, Chatham is extending the booster shot deadline to January 9, 2023

Chatham is pursuing this vaccination approach with extended booster timing to give people the option to receive their booster closer to the traditional respiratory illness season, to reflect any updated booster guidance that may come out later this year, and to host a series of booster clinics on campus this spring and fall.    

Failure to have proof of vaccination or an approved waiver on file by the deadlines above will result in denial of access to university systems, to not be allowed to attend classes or work, and/or other measures.     

Waiver Requests

As with other required vaccinations, Chatham will allow students and employees with valid medical or sincerely-held religious reasons to apply for an exemption. If a student or employee had a COVID-19 exemption during the 2021-2022 academic year, they must apply for a new waiver for the 2022-2023 academic year.  

You can download the waiver form here, complete all required files (including witness or provider sections) and then upload to have your waiver reviewed and considered.  

Download Medical Waiver


Download Religious Waiver


 Upload Waiver Request Form